New Doggies!!! New Doggies!!!

So, Redneck and I decided to go to our hometown (Somerset, PA) today to look at dogs. We saw a collie/golden retriever mix on the Somerset Humane Society website. As it turned out, the poor girl didn't get along with other dogs except her sister. Then 2 crates down on the opposite side, this little black and white collie mix sat in her crate shaking and looking at me with the biggest, saddest puppy dog eyes that I have ever seen. Bending down in front of her I said, "Hi there pretty girl!" Her expression did not change.
"Hey Redneck, look at Belle. Do you want to take her outside for a walk?"
"Yeah, o.k."
The volunteer attached a leash and off we went outside. Belle was shy but warmed up in a few minutes. We discussed it and decided we would add her to our family.
Inside, the another volunteer said, "She's not able to leave the shelter yet. She and her brother were left abandoned in a garage. It is under investigation by the State Police. Are you sure you don't want her brother too? I'm not sure if the manager (or whoever it was that she said) will let them be adopted separately."
"No, we really only wanted one dog."
"O.K. Leave us your name and phone number and I can call you next week to let you know what the manager decides."
Well, let me tell you. We asked to just look at her brother. Bruce and I discussed it for a few minutes and I asked, "Do you want to take them both out?"
"O.K. Sure."
They tried to get the male out, Tinker. He wouldn't go ANYWHERE. So, they brought Belle out and as soon as Tinker saw her, out of the crate he went!
We walked them around outside for a good while and we knew right away that these 2 dogs could not be separated. You can see the love in their eyes. They are both very shy, and heck you would be too if someone left you stranded in a garage.
The volunteers were happy we decided on both dogs, and we are picking them up next Saturday. Talk about a wonderful Christmas gift!
Now, here is what I'm asking of you readers of this blog...Do you have any ideas of names for these adorable pooches? (The shelter just gives them a name when they are brought in and they said we could rename them.) They are both 4 years old. They are a longish black hair with a white bib. The female is about 35 pounds, and the male is about 50 pounds.
***Please no Oreo or Hydrox suggestions...we had hamsters named that!!!***
Oh yeah, the Diner at the beginning of the post? That is in Somerset. We ate there today for lunch. That place has been around of AGES. If you are ever in the Western PA area, do yourself a favor and get off the Somerset exit of the Turnpike. You will not regret it! May I suggest a vanilla milkshake, and hot roast beef gravy with french fries. Yummy!