Like a breath of fresh air

We have new doggies!
Guinness is in front, and Zephyr is in back. We brought them home 3 days ago and they are adjusting quite well.
So - the names...well Redneck named Guinness after one of his favorite beers, and I named Zephyr which means (according to a gentle breeze. I thought coming to our house would give the dogs a breath of fresh air - a gentle breeze. So there you go.
Anywho, the dogs are adjusting very well and are doing well in their new homes. They get along well with the cats which is a nice surprise.
Redneck took them to the vet today and they had a good report. Dr. Malec said they look good, and all is well.
O.K. I know this is a knitting blog so I will post knitting pics soon. Just wanted to update everyone on the new additions.